

"Run To The Hillz..."






...Rememberz Hambone


...Witch craft...
the temple of the mutant witch, build by Ccindy Pfeffer

Temple with added stage for the Gathering of the Tribes

Collapsed parking lot with garden on top by: Ccindy Pfeffer



Ruzty Crowz
Zalvage Zcare Crow
Dead Men Tell No Talez
Ruzty Crowbill Warrior



...Zcrap Beazt

 ... Zcrap beazt at Malady Bog during the "Sandboxalypse"...

...and Foodz for all...

...Bog Bluez

Zwampy landz...zlimy brickz
Muddy zandz...grimy trickz



Flamez danze...Buzzardz fly
Crate Fallz...Zmoothmeatz cry
Zandz turn redz...Bloodz zhall flowz
Bakez Flatbreadz...plantz muzt growz